or 3v3, 4v4 etc u get meh point, might even find a host that can handle 8+ players & is decent for all for ctf/vctf which'd b fun too I dno am gettin bored of dm & duels recently :(
penga whenever you see me on im always down 4 a duel or dm, im up at crazy hours cuz i dont sleep lol.. been duelin alot these days and startin to get really into it. i get tons of lag on your host but ill adapt if you give me a few matches. invite it up!
I can kinda remember posts somewhere abt sorting scrims cba to try & find it & I dnt think it ever went any further than these boards :( but with dm games rarely being competative apart from the top 3-4 (if ur lucky) players I'd say scrims would b the way 2 go :E, I only have time to play fri & sat but theses days I got completely free to play, get drunk woteva...... send me a invite if uc online well take it from there :E