update: bob marly please await orders from me for recruitment also to all current members please accept a party invite for a very very urgent clan meeting that will be happening soon.....................
attention all B.A.H. members please await further instructions on an urgent clan (sort of) repeat please stand by for info on a possible clan battle (sort of)
update current list of members kortana v2 inhumanrampager hazardousjj for gods sake y slavi prophet if you have been recruited and your name is not on here or if your name is on here and you have not in this clan please contact me asap
attention gamers the clan b.a.r. have changed there names to b.a.h. also to join all you gota do is post your gamer tag ill send friend request then you must join a game that i will host for a try out match you don't have to win all you gotta do is not quit the match and your in if you got any questions about the name change or requirements please contact me asap UT3 4 LIFE B.A.H. 4 LIFE!!!