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Post Info TOPIC: I Have NO LOVE for 2nd Tier Players

Senior Nali

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Date: Aug 7, 2012
RE: I Have NO LOVE for 2nd Tier Players

If Ut4 Happens I'll be playing 24/7 so I can make a million a year on the pro circuit so I can buy an island for all you wonderful bastards!


DuXxX is GODLIKE! someone kill him!

Newbie Nali

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Date: Jun 15, 2012

To anyone who reads this... I won't ever stop playing UT3. Even if one day, not one person plays anymore... Well, the only exception would be UT4. If that ever happens ;] lol.. Meanwhile, I'm here to stay suckers.


Newbie Nali

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Date: Apr 17, 2012

I have been playing Unreal on the 360 for a couple of years. I'm sure many of you here have seen me at some point or another.. I think the first mode i got very addicted to was tdm & ctf. Actually, a lot of people say they get good through Duel. But, with me it was ctf. I learned mostly everything i know from playing ctf. Then over time i started playing more and more tdm then transitioned to dm, and warfare and so on. & i became really good. I KNOW i'm not a bad player, (at all) but, i know theres a lot of room for improvement. I can seriously tear **** up, but theres some players who will trash me. hmm  Haha! lips


Senior Nali

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Date: Apr 15, 2012

Duel's really a whole different game man. DM is where my heart lies because i'm only truly GOOD at 1v1'ing in Halo 3, but man..I consider myself at least higher up 2nd tier dueling.. Stefiroth can hand my own @ss to me whenever he wants, and my favorite player to play against is probably Ginger700, where the matches are always very close. I prefer deathmatch because it's easy as hell. I can beat stefiroth or ginger on an almost regular basis in DM because it's noob farming. Do i consider myself better then stefiroth? Hell no! he could probably STILL wipe the floor with me in duel..but do i top the leaderboards most of the time when i DM? Hell yes! and thats why i love it..Keep fragging guys! y'all are great people!

DuXxX is GODLIKE! someone kill him!

Newbie Nali

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Date: Mar 28, 2012

so i last posted on this on this thread like a yr ago and proclaimed i was a top tier player at "pure" dm. but one day i beat "unreal but real" in a dm and he invited me to a dual. i have had hundreds of noobs challenge me too a duel after getting their **** kicked and ****umed he was just another loser! so i gave him the standard put down and dueled him. I was slaughter! not beaten, not unlucky but absolutely dominated. obv he boosted after all i treated him like a noob but he said something to me that changed how i would play unreal ever since. im not quoting but it was along the lines of "if you keep playing dm agains noobs and bots you will nvr learn how the game should be played and that your only as good as who you are playing and will not know how **** you are untill a pro shows you". i realised that playing pure was a stupid idea, i also realised that there is no "pure" top tiers only good players and bad players regardless of game type. so i dedicated myself to dueling and vowed that one day i would beat "unreal but real" in a fair duel and prove to him i am not a noob. and in the past yr i have learnt so much that i didnt even think about before! and i have become an even better player not only that but i get more satisfaction and enjoy the game even more! i guess what im trying to say is that though it hurts my pride i am a "second tier player" but dont think im admitting im a poor player.. i not! i am a master at this game! but when i play the likes of steifroth, the bloody nine, smoke straw, pengalengz to name a few i can admit there is always room for improvement! i think mirrow had it right when he said "you havent even seen top tier"


Newbie Nali

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Date: Mar 24, 2012

Trying to bring back a dead post. Thats 


Senior Nali

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Date: Jun 22, 2011

lol, apart from getting everyone talking I'm actually a little sorry I wrote this thread. I took a break for a few months due to a major new feature we're adding to our game (I'm Creative Director for an app on Facebook) and then got very caught up in doing the art for an E-comic in a side-project I'm involved in.
Came back a few weeks ago, and OMG I had to work my @55 off to get my skillz back up to par. *faint* Talk about sitting in 2nd tier shoes for days on end. I do apologize 2nd tier players...

...for mercilessly fragging you like the little ants you are! muwahahahahahaaaaa.

And yes. I've learned to have a lot more respect for you Pure players. But in that same hand, DM's built for me. I guess I'll just always be a DM player and get my guts handed to me anywhere else where there's no LG present.

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Newbie Nali

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Date: Jun 17, 2011

YES! there is nothing in the world like hitting a jump full-speed on the hoverboard, kicking off of your board, guiding yourself through the air toward a wall and then wall-jumping off to fly distances that are just wrong at ridiculous speeds... not to mention all while aiming and raining hell from above!!! 


Newbie Nali

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Date: Dec 9, 2010

Win or loss, the only message I ever send is good game

My Unreal Tournament 3 is signed by 41 of Epics Developers

Senior Nali

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Date: Dec 9, 2010

exile i have to disagree.. its very possible to dodge just about anything in pure. you just have to know how. you can dodge left to right and wall jump(dodge) of any vertical surface. the movement in pure is very complex and if you get good at it you can move through a map x2 the speed of everyone else.

theres all kinds of tricks ive learned dueling.. hammer jumps, wall jumps to get to out of reach places, timing power-ups, crazy wall jumps with jump boots.. while LG is fast and fun, theres far more to this game than LG offers.

theres a couple setup tricks ive learned as well like jumping with the stick so you can aim while jumping.. while im alot better in dm and will always prefer it, i can hang with most of the regular duelers and give them a good run. they've taught me alot


Junior Nali

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Date: Dec 9, 2010

Ah yes, dodging... you see, I used to play a lot of DOOM ][ online through a client called ifrag, and later Duke 3D, Quake, and to a much lesser degree Heretic, then a few years later when Unreal was released, I got into that on the PC. I loved the gameplay and graphics of UT, but I never grasped the dodging aspect which Unreal had and the previous ones did not.

DOOM ][ was like DOOM and Wolfenstein 3d, you could strafe, but your controls were largely components (like in a vector, you have the Vx and Vy components), because of the keyboard controls, if I am not mistaken, the mouse controls if existent at all, only let you move one axis at a time. I think that Duke 3d was the first game I could actually circle strafe without it being terribly clumsy, and Quake was the first of those that allowed seamless circle strafing with mouse-look up and down.

And I spent way too much time playing those games over local networks, and when Quake had its own TCP capabilities built in, that just meant I played even more. I'd say that the most time I spent on first person shooters was between 1994 and 1999, and that resulted in my style of gameplay that is so ingrained that it's hard to change. UT was the first game that I played that allowed dodge movements by quick taps. That was something I never really mastered.

Then these third person shooters like Gears of War require you to hide and duck and stuff, and for some reason, run, jump, and hide behind something are all defaulted to be mapped to the A button...? I personally hate the controls of Gears of War, but I still played the two games because it was a pretty cool story. When I bought this game on a whim (it was super cheap), it just seemed so natural to my old gameplay. Circle strafes, health packs, no reloads, instant respawn... all the things I came to hate on other online FPS games were eliminated here.

So that's my long winded way of saying... I can't dodge for $hit. That's why I have such a high death count. I rack up kills but I sure seem to be tied to that respawner ;)

Total Wuss
==I am teh suq==

Senior Nali

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Date: Dec 7, 2010


Yeah, I'm not terribly fond of the 360 reviews. I'm Creative Director for a social gaming company---and being on the development team has allowed me some great insight into how important things like having a report button is for cases of abuse, etc. But to allow players to post anonymous reviews on one another is really odd. There's nothing stopping someone from lying in their review, and the anonymity leaves the person reviewed no recourse action. It's a completely lame system that's just waiting for people to take advantage of it. Sorry to hear that happened to you!

I hear you on the rest. Makes perfect sense. The reason I like LG so much has to do with the exact thing you despise about it. I'm pretty nimble in the air, so I rely (mostly) on the ability to use the low grav environment to Dodge + Counter-Attack. This allows me to stay alive longer/die less. Not dying cancels the respawn time which allows that time to be spent racking up body count.

That style of gameplay is pretty non-existent in the Vanilla modes. It's ridiculous to even think of dodging with normal gravity. Considering this is the crux of my gamestyle it's easy to see why I'd be frustrated in normal grav. Still, I do play it from time to time. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your hosts. Then you guys can whomp the crap out of me. LOL

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Junior Nali

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Date: Dec 4, 2010

At least your inbox isn't filled with "hey r u really a girl?"

If I say yes, they say "liar"

If I say no, they say "cheater"

Only a few people ever send me n00b nasty-grams. I don't know why, either. I used to play the dedicated servers until they stopped playing modes that I enjoy playing. Unlike you, Exile, I've always despised LG boards even from the old PC UT GOTY version. I could never adjust midair and would continually get fragged in space. I found it terribly frustrating, so I just don't choose to spend my time playing it. That being said, if I sucked at it (which I admit is woefully true), I wouldn't belittle someone who is winning at it. Instead, I just host games and hope that people join in, which they usually do, and I play for an hour or two with 10 min timers. Someone has given me a bad review for quitting early (?) even though I've never quit a game that I was losing, and usually, I send a GG message afterward, especially if it's to someone who came to my server and beat me on a map. I am trying my best to make friends with players who are actually half decent in this game since they are few and far between. I'm guessing that whoever gave me the "quit early" review was angry that they kept losing and I finally quit the server because it was my bedtime and they never had a chance to ummmm get some kills back. ;)

Total Wuss
==I am teh suq==

Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 24, 2010

good to see you finally on here, mullet. i always enjoy playing wth ya. now i love morbias arena, but only for one round. after that, i just cant handle the noobiness. i like laughing and chilling on that map, but jesus, does it get frustrating when i am trying to win..

DuXxX is GODLIKE! someone kill him!


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Date: Nov 24, 2010

I dunno chaos, sometimes there's some fun in stomping people all over time and time again.  are any of you guys playing on the ps3?  Unfortunately I only ever play at that now.  I haven't completely disappeared!!

the thing I really don't like about the ps3 is everyone is much more....mature in the maps they play.  I mean that in a bad way.  Exile, as much as I know you hate them, I like destroying people on the spammy maps like kbarge, biohazard and whatever that spammy rocket arena level is.  Most people on ps3 play a steady rotation of deck, defiance, gateway, arsenal and rising sun.  So I never get to show my true colors as a DMer, but I suppose that's why I'm a noob at heart :)

I will say however that there's a decently strong presence of instagib, which was the only thing I played in 2k3 and 2k4 and I've become pretty good at that again.  Moral of the story, if you have a ps3, pay 10 bucks and play it with me!


Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 22, 2010

Yeah, that's definitely one route to go. I can see that.

Before this "new tv" situation, I'd been hampering my kills based on the who was in when I came on. I pretty much refuse to take a loss (lol), but I was making sure that my wins weren't off the charts. Usually kept it within a 2 - 5 kill lead----and to keep it interesting for them, I often waited until the last five minutes or so to take first.

My thought was that I'd give them a goal to shoot for. Of course I'd have to change it up on the fly if someone strong like TableTennis or Redxan would come in.

Right now though... I'm not doing so hot. This f'n TV is messin' me up hardcore. I lost to Redxan by 1 (on Defiance, no less!!!!) last time I played, and TableTennis cleaned the floor with me the other day on Arsenal. I was playing my hardest. Grrr. It's sweet playing on a huge screen, but I have to almost entirely re-learn my environment. Keep getting stuck on walls and any shots that take place in my peripheral are usually a miss.

*hangs head in shame*

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 22, 2010

@exile i have been back for a few weeks and have yet to get any bad feedback. i have some advice for you. when i find myself winning by any more than 10-15 kills i will only play 2 in a row. ill quit out and let those guys play without me in there stompin them.. then ill come back 1-2 matches later.

this encourages people to stay and keep playing this awesome f***ing game. sometimes if no other servers are full ill stay in there and just screw around and let them play. try going on a lift and playing dead sometime, you'll do air cartwheels hahaha. sure this hurts my leaderboard status but i could care less.

there is really just this one DM server, and staying on it and laying waste match after match after match makes it hard for the avarage player to enjoy it.

that said seeing as you only play LG DM i can see why you hang out for awhile


Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 21, 2010

I totally agree, cl****ing them lower for that would be ludicrous. I base it entirely on skill... but to be fair, I'm only able to base the cl****ing from my perspective in LG DM / DM, as I rarely play anything else.

Maybe we should all band together and seriously list up some items that can differentiate the players into cl****es...? Something that would work for any game type. Shouldn't be too hard to come up with a system!

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Newbie Nali

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Date: Nov 16, 2010

i didnt know there was such a dedicated online communitie i have been playing ut3 on the xbox for about 2 yrs and would consider myself a top tier player at pure dm but probaly not so in over game types.I dont have any hate for any "lower" tier players most of the time they have there skills in there preferred game types i am guilty of acting ****y in deathmatch just get get domed in a duel. I dont think you could cl**** someone as a 2nd tier player just because they dedicate themselves to one game type or because of there bad sportsmanship its worse having bad winners then bad losers


Newbie Nali

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Date: Nov 15, 2010

lol !! interesting topic..
i played last nite first time in forever came in late one game,then won the next game,then got a coupla of seconds and then got an invite to what turned out to be a duel..

now that was a mistake..the guy i was playing obviously knew where everything was,esp the rockets,and he camped pretty good,there was a couple of times i never even saw him..Argh ! lol 5-0 i decided it was futile,i wasnt ever gonna get close to the rockets so i bailed.
hope he wasnt offended.

did i want to call him a camping fool..of course..would it have mattered?
nope,it was completely my fault,i!
i ran around the whole time looking for weapons and pretty much got my azz handed to me.
so ill learn the map and maybe next time i can give him a run for the money.

on a related note,reading this topic reminds me of all the crapola we take from kids playing Halo..its the exact same thing.

cheers to yall,from a 2cnd,or 3rd or 4th lmao tier player.


Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 9, 2010

played with smoke straw today for a couple duels.. got stuck in the floor i was laggin so bad lol but had fun. deadly sev does get pissed pretty fast haha hes a rager

i just like the speed of dm's, duels take strategy and are fun but i just get so bored in the bigger maps. ive even quit out of matches i was winning out of boredom. i really wanna like it tho because its very challenging.

Triaxxen has ben hostin alot of duels recently, hes a cool dude


Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 8, 2010

Khesire is a great person. Always very positive and pretty skilled. Can't say I have a lot of love for DeadlySev after his ego exploded all over my message center for a week straight, but he's a strong player (x2 with no mutators). Welshman deserves lot of props!! No idea where the other regular players are... Smoke, Lights, Bread... etc. They've been gone awhile. SmokeStraw wrote awhile back to check in and said he was bored with DMs and had been dueling, but I haven't heard from him in ages.

Yikes. Dueling. *shudders*

I get that lag, too. Seems like it happens the most for me when the arena is full and we're nearing the end of the match... which is the worst possible time ever! :(

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 6, 2010

community always dwindles down on these arena games. in my quake 4 days i played against alot of the top ranked ladder guys on here, some stick around but most move on to where the competition is. i wish i would have gotten a chance to play this game in its hayday, with full ranked rooms. bots really make you lazy haha

theres still a few good players left, but most hang out in duels. past few days ive been playin with Khesire and IX DeadlySev XI.. whos a real good dueler. i dunno why they all stick to duel and never dm.. only guy thats come close to gettin me past few days has been crazee welshman. :sigh: think ill be dueling more these days

where is the excessive DM server? is it only unrealville these days? certain times it runs smooth but i get alot of lag sometimes


Veteran Nali

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Date: Nov 5, 2010

xbox died on some, others just dont play no more :( shame!


Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 4, 2010

Tier 1b players?? Ouch! *feels pieces of his ego tinkle to the ground like bits of a broken mirror*

Frankly, I'd about kill to see some of these guys you're talking about come back to the game. Why'd they leave, anyway?

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Senior Nali

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Date: Nov 1, 2010

Hey look on the bright side atleast its not like on ps3 where they **** talk you during the match on the mic lol. but personally i dont mind the **** talking it makes me giggle

my xbox broke an i gotta get a new one. i miss pwning u guys lol


Veteran Nali

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Date: Oct 31, 2010

lolz werd Minnow!....I guess I c wot u mean abt that deadly sev, used to kno (an like) tha guy under another nick, hes gone 2 tha pc got a elitest attitude an come bk :( I got spanked & I mean spanked by the guy on his host a few wks bk- he plays on mine, plays a map & a 1/16 & goes all emo complaining abt lag etc, joker!
I've said it b4 but I'll say it again there aren't any tier 1 players left :( all that r left are tier 1b players who would b in 4 a shock should some of tha pwners every return! thats the way i c it anyway


Junior Nali

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Date: Oct 28, 2010

Im not sure what tier I would be considered but I do have this to say. I enjoy playing DM and Duel.  I hate LG DM, not because I think it is for player that have no skill.  I am a purist.  Playing low gravity removes timing for jumps and double jumps etc...  Mainly because of Dueling.  Anyone that plays this game regularly knows that it takes skill to consistantly place first at the end.  No matter what mode or mod your playing. 

As far as anger, this game by its vary nature,  agitates that part of the human brain.  I can guarantee that any player that has prolong exposure to this game will find themselves doing one of the following: yelling at the TV screen, short temper, yelling at friends or family, etc...  So I would say get used to the hate mail for time to time or better yet, just take a break.   :)


Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 26, 2010

M1NNoW.... you crack me up, dude.

DuXxX.... you're probably right about neither needing more skill----I guess I was gaging it on the increased awareness needed between the two. My Bad. Didn't mean to come off disrespectful.

Chaos... omg, did you just say "Unholiest Foot"?????? Here and I thought BakingBread had the most comical UT3 gt. *laughs and laughs* Glad to see you're back in the game! I better go get my security blanket for when you put holes in me. agh!

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 26, 2010

except pengalengz cuz hes my homie=]


Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 26, 2010

ooo stop complainin ur all second tier players hahahah u havent even seen 1 tier!


Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 24, 2010

Yeah, i get ya, exile. i wouldnt say LG dm takes more skill than regular deathmatch, its certainly different, and takes no less skill to be good at. its really fun to have a mix of lg and regular dms in one session, keeps it fresh, and its why i change servers when i win twice if i dont know anybody in the match. i find i enjoy it more. theres a few people who hang out in my servers and cry at me when they realize theres no impact hammer. i then just say, "if you dont want to play without an impact hammer, then change servers, please, just dont constantly pester me about it. and the sore losers? dont get me started. and the 2nd tier boosters? sickening. there are some good people who boost, where if they tried to really get better, they would easily be as good or even better then me. but no, they just pad their stats constantly. it disturbs me. still, dont get me wrong, i know a few respectful 2nd tier players! Itz Dhubbs is getting real good and he just got the game. i enjoy finding new players in the servers, but please guys, dont be a huge @ss when you lose. it just makes it worse for everybody.

DuXxX is GODLIKE! someone kill him!

Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 24, 2010

look for UnholiestFoot (i dont even know), thats the tag ill be playing under


Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 24, 2010

:) got to play friday night.. saw rckymtndrgn in a match. my buddy got this game and ill be playing most every weekend now. most likely a lil drunk but w/e lol

you really take ut3 serious exile haha. when i used to get messages like those i would just write nonsense back and mess with em. i remember that yourgodmaker guy sent me 7 voice messages in a row after i beat him on his host and wouldnt join again when he invited me back. some ppl are weirdos, some are kids and some are just huge stoners. dont let em get to you.

sometimes unless i saw someone challenging or just cool in a match i wouldnt play, cuz its no fun otherwise..


Senior Nali

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Date: Oct 24, 2010

Yeah, I can see getting frustrated and quitting---have done it myself. Totally acceptable and even more it's understandable. The reason I gripe about it isn't that kind of "situational" spur-of-the-moment thing... it's that this is habitual, constant, and predictable. And worse, there's 3rd and 4th Tier players that show way better behavior ingame.
There's a a good number of these 3rd & 4th's that stay on longer than me. They play hard and don't complain. Many of them even come in when I'm hosting. I like them so much that when I see a good row of them I put the controller down and let them do their thing for a few hours. They're awesome. Like you said: "Respect is Key".

These other guys... eh. And a couple of them are old-school, which is even more baffling!

Totally agree with you on their strengths lying elsewhere. But why come into DM and try to claim some kind of superiority over the whole of UT3 when we're all just more or less strong in our favorite modes? I have this one kid, XI DeadlySev IX, who's exactly that type. Clearly a CTF player who thinks that being good in that mode means he's king of all UT3... so he's constantly challenging (& gloating at) me in regards to his prowess. It's annoying. I don't claim to be good anywhere outside of LG DMs... and I'm certainly not afraid to admit that even in a Standard DM my skill level drops by an easy 30%. *facepalm*

As for dropping the smackdown----actually...? I've been teaching myself to tone it down when no one good is in. I've been finding people stay in longer when they only lose between 2 - 10 kills. Hard swicthing gears when someone good comes in and I'm playing low-key... but I don't want them thinking something magical happend and I lost a hand or something. lol

And I love handicapped matches!!!! Really evens the playing field. *nod*

Hanging out to lay beatings and then complaining about people leaving is a bit of a stretch for me.

I'm not complaining about the fact that people in general are leaving. I'm upset about the fact that there's a regular crowd of players who have begun habitually leaving in the middle of a match. I can guess at and understand the situational ethics that probably prompt these decisions, what i don't understand is why they can't find a better ettiquette. Like: leave before the match.
I don't think it is for them a matter of them needing to find "good" competition. If you're losing, who ever is handing your **** to you IS the good competition. One can't improve without challenging themselves. *shrug*

I think the major reason is Pride vs Motivation. I didn't behave that way when I was constantly in 2nd or 3rd or less. I started as a 4th tier player and every person who kicked my **** was one more reason to play for another 2hrs, swear alot, learn more, and get better. Yourself, DuxX, and a few others are perfect examples of this same cl**** of respectful, motivated players. So I can only ****ume that they honestly don't ive a crap about actually improving----they want a sense of underserved entitlement as "the best" for looking unbeatable when no 1st tier players are in. Otherwise, why not stay?

Yeah, you'd laugh your **** off at some of these.

For the sake of younger players... I'll toss out a tame one.

"deathmatch is only noobs. its just how well u can spam and shoot others in the bk. low grav takes skill out of it. u would rarely kill me if it was off. probably never kill me in vctf or duel. i cn tell by the way u move even with low grav."

This last line turned out to be entirely invalid. I did kill him. Several times. I'll even go so far as to say that he's probably right at my skill level in a map with no mutators. If I actually liked matches without LG... it wouldn't take me long to surp**** this kid and those above them.

And why is it always LG = No Skill??? IMHO... it takes slightly more skill to handle yourself proficiently in a LG match. It requires 360° awareness, an accute knowledge of more parts of the map than simply the floor in order to competently dodge, an expanded feel for the game's changed physics and thereby an increased sense of predicting player movement (which is tantamount, really, to knowing how to shoot someone outside of the 1000px radius of a centered scope in a mutator free map), and finally it's basically cream of the crop for snipers. 

Oh man... now I'm going to have to write a thread on why LG is the bomb. I hate when I make myself have to do that!!!

As for the terrible-skillz adds: LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that is kinda weird. But they've always been really cool.

I figured out that 4 out of 6 of those people I was complaining about in the thread above were actually (unbeknownst to me) dropping out when they saw me sign on. Which of course means it's the only reason they added me was to know when I was on. I always wondered why they never messaged, lol. My percentage of bumping into them in-game rose 75% when I removed them from my friends. Funny, huh?

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx


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Date: Oct 23, 2010

Great post, I'd love to hear some examples! I feel like there are a lot of second tier players out there that get easily crushed.

Why is it that the only people who add you as a friend are people who are absolutely terrible?


Junior Nali

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Date: Oct 23, 2010

I agree regarding finding competative matches if the DMplayers are taking a whooping from me i often leave to find more competative matches on other servers or other mode of play.  Hanging out to lay beatings and then complaining about people leaving is a bit of a stretch for me.  I take my beating in stride from exile as they happen all the time but if i have ever left after 3  or so matches its to look for something more competitive or to appease my gf who how do you say isnt quite as pationate as me for unreal.


Veteran Nali

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Date: Oct 23, 2010

I do find pure warfare / v ctf players 2 b generally weak fraggers in dm, bt thats a team mod their strengths lie elsewhere


Veteran Nali

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Date: Oct 23, 2010

funny post! agreed in general bt i dnt think I've ever had any abusive msgs after the games r done u must b making them look 2 bad :E, this aint halo! I dnt consider myself 2b top 'top' tier as there r a few players with much better weapon choice & map sense, when i host i always put handicap on cos I prefer competative games & having to fight fo power ups


Senior Nali

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Posts: 93
Date: Oct 23, 2010

Agreed. oh so agreed. i cant say how many times i have gotten raged on by 2nd tier players.
(JPDROP, im lookin at you) but, dropping out after three matches of getting destroyed is fine with me, so long as they do it with dignity. i wont lie, i have been on an off night, playing somebody like Khesire, always placing second, and then i just get sick of it. i dont, however, bitch at the rightful winner of the match (being someone without a mod) i mean, its all about respect in my opinion.

DuXxX is GODLIKE! someone kill him!

Senior Nali

Status: Offline
Posts: 74
Date: Oct 22, 2010

I'm xX The Exile Xx. My focus and most coveted mode in UT3 is DMs.
Specifically LG DMs.
Setting all ego aside, I believe myself to be a Top Tier competitor in this one particular mode.

I worked my **** off to be as good as the other Top Tier competitors who utterly slaughtered me when I first started this game. I continue to work my **** off to be among the best. I play this game daily, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for hours on end.

While this game is all about bragging rights, I rarely brag. I despise drama.
I'm interested in winning.
I watch the new and regular players alike like a hawk looking for future potential. I welcome any and all when I'm in a match regardless of who's server or which host is presenting the match----even when I'm hosting. I'm not above anyone enough to give tips, offer help, or encourage those who have potential to keep playing.

(enter long rant and the points of this thread)

And still my inbox is regularly filled with ignorant complainers. People taunting, gloating, and challenging me to other modes for lack of ability in LG DM. Some calling me a cheat while others just calling me angry names with no care of whether it's Text messages or Voice messages.

I could start a thread and populate it myself with just these messages. It's ridiculous.

Lastnight, while playing and responding tot he same kind of BS messages i'm always replying to, I came to a realization: In general, most people simply can't handle personal interaction appropriately in a game like this. They get too angry, are too prideful, too envious, too high, or are just too fvcking stupid to know better.

I've played long enough to know which player is going to be a problem when the match is over, even if they never utter a word aloud during the match.

While looking at my current competition, there is a very small handful of players who are utterly amazing and make playing this game worth my time. These few players are the only one's who make me stop everything I'm doing (texting usually), give my full attention and play hard. And what's more, these guys are cool people in general. They're talented and among the elite of UT3 on the 360... and probably beyond. I call them Top-Tier players.

Likewise, there's a larger group of regular players who are just below this. 2nd Tier players*, if you will. After moving into my second year of playing UT3 on the 360, I've found it's really inside this 2nd Tier group that all the trouble and disappointment presents itself. Most 2nd Tier players have bad-habits in this game the likes of which I've never seen anywhere else.

  1. Beat them 3 times in a row, they drop out. Guarunteed, and usually before the match is even over.
  2. They come into a DM off a high from some other matches (where they probably creamed everyone) and are running the map. A Top-Tier player comes in during the middle of the match with barely half the clock left and annhilates them with body-count to spare. Guess what? They drop out immediately.
  3. 2nd Tier players who feel like they're Kings in other modes... these guys are the worst. They come in, get destroyed by kill-count numbers generally unattainable in their mode of choice... and... you guessed it, they drop out. But then they go absolutely berserk. Messages. Taunts. Challenges. Indignant speeches where somehow you're a "n00b" even though you just handed them their @ss.
  4. They keep coming back in, and they keep trying to win. Now, normally this is a good habit, except that everytime they do this you may as well expect habit #3 to rinse and repeat.
  5. 2nd Tier players who focus on other modes are usually UT3 Purists---aka people who prefer no mutators on, and they're not afraid to tell you how LG DMs (and sometimes DMs in general) take no skill, are for "n00bs", and basically you're nothing if you excel at these.

I have one thing to say to all of these idiot @sshole purist haters:
Go fvck yourself.

After that I have several questions. Like, why are you playing a LG DM if they're so easy and take no skill. And even better: if they take no skill, you're so good, you hate LG or DMs, and still you're playing it... WHY ARE YOU GETTING YOUR @SS HANDED TO YOU?

And here's an even smarter question to them. Why in heaven's name would you challenge someone to another mode because you got owned in a DM? It doesn't make any sense!!! We're not here to stroke your damned ego, we're here to bolster our own. Accepting a challenge to another mode is out of the question, and your hooka must be the size of your house if you think any of us give the tiniest 5hit about coming to some other mode to mend your broken pride.

If you've bothered to read this far, you may wonder what's got me so wriled up. That's easy. I'm consistently disappointed in the players. Every time I think I find some decent competition (or potential competition) these guys end up being 2nd Tier players with chip on their shoulder. And what's worse is that they waste my time by pretending to be cool until they realize they can't ever ever ever beat me. Then the competition is no longer friendly and my inbox is magically filled with the same dogmatic crap I've heard a million times before.

If it ever slows down I'm going to be half tempted to start another account and berate myself from it just so I don't miss the abuse.

And for the the love of Necris, will all of you people STOP using the term n00b? It's insulting to the new players at this point. It's become something more of a curse, cuss, or some other cheap exercise in baseness. The legtimate new players who are coming in don't deserve the new connotations ****ociated to the label.


I hope every single one of you 2nd tier players read this thread. I want you to know how your habits and behaviors look in-game, and I want everyone below you to know that you're just a bunch of whiney little fvcktards who can't get it up unless you're starting some 5hit. And if you ARE reading this and feel just a little bit offended, I dare you to say it right here in front of everyone... because I know I'm not the only one who sees and deals with this BS.

*please note, there are certainly one or two exceptions to the above in the 2nd Tier players. I have a lot of respect for those that are, and please forgive this thread for being here as it does not apply to you.

You were killed by xX The Exile Xx

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