you can get as high as jump boots with impact hammer to for only 25 health that can be very useful! the most efficient jump is impact just charged only takes off 7ish and with a double jump and wall jump can get you up to the shock rifle on sentinel! bio rifle works the sameish but takes of more health abut 73 when fully charged! but could save time not switching to hammer! the health dont matter when leaping for the shield belt! but the most fun is flak cannon primary! basically bouncing it off the ground and jumping into it! looks well cool!
you can do "pistol jumps" with any projectile weapon! shock core, rocket launcher, flak cannon and even bio rifle! lol but take off more health as you go down the list. you can even get as high as jump boots with 3 rockets! but takes about 99 health!
lol when i first started playing this id rocket jump on reflex all the time.. can imagine i confused a few people when they saw me blow myself to bits.
nothin in UT3 feels as good as rocket jumping near someone, switching to rail mid air and gettin a combo kill. well, maybe if i could get moving shock combos down..
It is well worth the loss of ctf hammerjumps can get you out of some bad situations also can get you to the flag stand quicker so you don't get denyed...just gotta know how to use it properly and when;]
piston jump - is when you charge your jackhammer (melee) weapon. Jump then release. If you time it right you little damage. Same principle as rocket jumping on Quake. However, with power (jump boots) this trick really does not give the player an advantage as it did in Quake.
charging up piston & jump + release fire to get extra height/distance was usefull on the pc version in ctf but its not worth trading the health for little advantage....or I'm doing it wrong